How To Build a Email Newsletter Business like The Hustle or Morning Brew

First let’s start out with some heavy hitter examples and their story:

Morning Brew and The Hustle have established themselves as highly successful email newsletter businesses, generating substantial revenue through their innovative business models. Morning Brew, with over 2 million subscribers, generates annual revenue exceeding $10 million. Their business model primarily revolves around sponsored content and advertising partnerships, where they collaborate with brands to feature relevant promotions within their newsletters. Additionally, Morning Brew offers native advertising opportunities, allowing brands to seamlessly integrate their content into the newsletter's format.

On the other hand, The Hustle boasts over 1 million subscribers and generates annual revenue surpassing $5 million. The Hustle monetizes its newsletter through a combination of sponsored content, targeted advertising, and partnerships. They collaborate with brands to showcase sponsored articles and include advertisements from relevant businesses within their newsletters. The Hustle's engaged audience presents valuable opportunities for companies seeking to reach a tech-savvy and business-oriented demographic.

Both Morning Brew and The Hustle have proven the viability of email newsletters as a lucrative business model, demonstrating that by delivering valuable content to a dedicated audience and strategically partnering with brands, it is possible to build profitable ventures in the newsletter industry.
Morning Brew: In 2015, two ambitious entrepreneurs named Alex Lieberman and Austin Rief embarked on a mission to revolutionize the way young professionals consumed business news. They envisioned a daily newsletter that would cut through the noise and present finance and business updates in a fresh, engaging format.

With their target audience in mind—millennial professionals seeking concise and relatable business content—Lieberman and Rief poured their passion and knowledge into the creation of Morning Brew. They meticulously crafted each newsletter to deliver news with a conversational tone, injecting humor and pop culture references into their writing.

Their unique approach struck a chord with their audience, setting Morning Brew apart from traditional news outlets. The newsletter became a trusted source for business insights delivered in an entertaining, easily digestible manner.

But it didn't stop there. Morning Brew's growth was fueled by a viral referral system. Through their "Give 5, Get Brew" program, subscribers were incentivized to refer friends in exchange for exclusive rewards or merchandise. This referral system created an exponential loop, with each new subscriber bringing in more potential subscribers, driving rapid expansion.

To cater to a wider range of interests within their target audience, Morning Brew expanded its offerings. They introduced specialized newsletters focused on specific topics such as retail, emerging technology, and marketing. This expansion allowed them to reach a broader segment of their audience and provide even more targeted content.

Today, Morning Brew boasts millions of subscribers, a testament to the power of niche targeting, engaging content, and strategic growth initiatives. They have successfully established themselves as a leading player in the email newsletter industry.

The Hustle: In the same year that Morning Brew was taking flight, another visionary entrepreneur named Sam Parr had a similar goal—to disrupt the way business and tech news was consumed. Parr founded The Hustle, a daily newsletter designed to cater to entrepreneurs, business professionals, and tech enthusiasts.

The Hustle set out to deliver news with a no-nonsense, direct approach. Their content was concise and easily digestible, allowing busy professionals to stay informed without investing significant time. The newsletter adopted a conversational tone, delivering information in a way that resonated with its audience.

Parr recognized the importance of community building and sought to go beyond the digital realm. The Hustle organized events, conferences, and networking opportunities, providing an offline space for their audience to connect and engage with like-minded individuals. This offline engagement complemented their online presence, fostering a strong sense of community and loyalty.

Data played a crucial role in The Hustle's growth strategy. By analyzing open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics, they gained valuable insights into their audience's preferences. This data-driven approach allowed them to refine their content strategy, ensuring they delivered the most relevant and engaging news.

Strategic partnerships were also pivotal to The Hustle's success. By collaborating with established brands, publications, and influencers, they tapped into new networks and expanded their reach. These partnerships exposed The Hustle to fresh audiences, helping them grow their subscriber base.

Today, The Hustle stands as a testament to the power of concise, no-nonsense content delivered in an engaging tone. Their data-driven approach, community-building efforts, and strategic collaborations have positioned them as a leading force in the email newsletter landscape.

Both Morning Brew and The Hustle have proven that by understanding their target audience, delivering unique and valuable content, and employing innovative growth strategies, it is possible to build successful and influential email newsletter businesses that resonate with millions of subscribers worldwide.

How to create your own newsletter marketing business:

Determine Your Business Entity:

  • Before diving into the specifics of your email newsletter business, consider the legal and financial aspects. Decide on the type of business entity you want to form, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation. Consult with a lawyer or tax professional to understand the implications and choose the most suitable option for your needs.

  1. Find a Profitable Topic:

    • Identify a topic or niche for your email newsletter that aligns with your interests and has potential to attract an audience. Consider your expertise, passions, and the target audience's preferences. Look for gaps or opportunities within your chosen niche and aim to provide unique value.

    • For example, Morning Brew focuses on delivering business and financial news in a fun and engaging way, appealing to professionals seeking concise and engaging updates. The Hustle caters to the tech and business audience by providing easy-to-understand and relevant content.

  2. Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

    • Determine what sets your email newsletter apart from competitors. Craft a unique selling proposition that clearly communicates the value and benefits readers will gain by subscribing to your newsletter.

    • For instance, Morning Brew positions itself as a newsletter that presents news with a humorous and relatable tone, making it entertaining while keeping readers informed. The Hustle stands out by delivering business and tech news in a concise format, saving readers time without sacrificing quality.

  3. Build a Website:

    • Choose a domain name that reflects your newsletter's brand and topic. Consider using domain registration services like GoDaddy or Namecheap to secure your domain.

    • Select a website builder that suits your needs. Options like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix offer user-friendly interfaces and customizable templates.

    • Design your website with a visually appealing layout, intuitive navigation, and a clear call-to-action to encourage visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. Include relevant information about your newsletter's content, benefits, and frequency of delivery.

    • Morning Brew's website features a clean design with clear subscription prompts, while The Hustle keeps their site simple yet engaging, displaying key information and a prominent sign-up form.

  4. Choose an Email Marketing Software:

    • Selecting the right email marketing software is crucial for managing and delivering your newsletters. Consider the following options with varying cost ranges:

      • Low-cost: MailerLite, Mailchimp (free plan available), Sendinblue (free plan available)

      • Medium-cost: ConvertKit, AWeber, GetResponse

      • High-cost: ActiveCampaign, Drip, Campaign Monitor

    • Evaluate the features offered by each software, such as automation capabilities, segmentation options, templates, deliverability rates, and analytics.

    • Morning Brew uses a custom email platform tailored to their specific needs, while The Hustle leverages a combination of SendGrid and their in-house system.

  5. Grow Your Subscriber List:

    • Implement strategies to attract subscribers to your newsletter:

      • Promote your newsletter on your website and social media platforms.

      • Offer incentives like exclusive content, free resources, or discounts for signing up.

      • Collaborate with influencers or guest writers in your niche to expand your reach.

      • Use lead generation techniques such as content upgrades or gated content.

      • Optimize your website for search engines to attract organic traffic.

  6. Create Compelling Content:

    • Craft engaging and valuable content that resonates with your target audience:

      • Focus on delivering informative, actionable, and well-written articles.

      • Keep your content concise and to the point, ensuring it is easily digestible.

      • Use visuals like images, infographics

  7. Compelling Content (continued):

    • Use visuals like images, infographics, or videos to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of your newsletters.

    • Incorporate storytelling, personal anecdotes, or case studies to make your content relatable and memorable.

    • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in each newsletter, directing readers to take desired actions such as visiting your website, purchasing a product, or subscribing to a premium offering.

    • Leverage the success of Morning Brew by adopting their engaging and conversational writing style, making complex topics accessible and enjoyable for readers.

    • Follow The Hustle's example of providing concise and easily digestible business and tech news to cater to time-conscious professionals.

  8. Maintain a Consistent Publishing Schedule:

    • Determine the frequency of your newsletters and establish a consistent publishing schedule. This could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on the nature of your content and audience preferences.

    • Consistency builds trust and keeps your subscribers engaged. Use email marketing software to schedule and automate your newsletter deliveries, ensuring they reach your audience on time.

  9. Monetize Your Newsletter:

    • There are various ways to monetize your email newsletter business. Consider these options:

      • Advertising: Sell ad space within your newsletters to relevant brands or advertisers. You can charge based on impressions, clicks, or a fixed fee. Morning Brew and The Hustle generate revenue through sponsored content and advertising partnerships.

      • Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services as an affiliate and earn a commission for each sale or referral generated through your newsletter. Choose products or services that align with your audience's interests and needs. Morning Brew and The Hustle leverage affiliate marketing by recommending relevant tools, books, or services.

      • Premium Subscriptions: Offer a premium tier of your newsletter with exclusive content, in-depth analysis, or additional resources. Subscribers can pay a recurring monthly or annual fee to access these premium benefits.

      • Product or Service Promotion: Develop and sell your own products, courses, or services related to your newsletter's topic. For example, you could create ebooks, online courses, consulting services, or merchandise.

  10. Track and Optimize:

  • Utilize analytics and tracking tools provided by your email marketing software to monitor the performance of your newsletters. Track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to assess the effectiveness of your content and monetization strategies.

  • Analyze the data to identify trends, understand subscriber preferences, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your newsletters.

  • Continuously test different approaches, subject lines, content formats, and CTAs to improve engagement and conversion rates.

Remember, building a successful email newsletter business takes time, dedication, and continuous adaptation. Be responsive to your audience's needs, provide value, and refine your strategies based on feedback and data analysis.

How AI Language Models Can Help You Rank Higher in Search Results

Artificial intelligence (AI) language models are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they are already having a major impact on the world of SEO.

One of the most significant ways that AI language models are impacting SEO is by helping businesses rank higher in search results. This is because AI language models can be used to create high-quality content that is optimized for search engines.

For example, AI language models can be used to generate keyword-rich content that is relevant to user search queries. They can also be used to create informative and engaging content that will keep users on a website for longer.

In addition, AI language models can be used to automate many of the tasks involved in content marketing, such as keyword research, content writing, and content promotion. This can free up time for businesses to focus on other aspects of their marketing campaigns.

As a result of these factors, AI language models are becoming increasingly important for businesses that want to rank higher in search results.

Here are some of the ways that AI language models can help businesses rank higher in search results:

  • Create high-quality content that is optimized for search engines. AI language models can be used to generate keyword-rich content that is relevant to user search queries. This can help businesses to rank higher in search results.

  • Automate tasks, such as keyword research, content writing, and content promotion. This can free up time for businesses to focus on other aspects of their marketing campaigns.

  • Create informative and engaging content that will keep users on a website for longer. This can help businesses to improve their website's SEO and attract more organic traffic.

Overall, AI language models are a powerful tool that can help businesses rank higher in search results. By using AI language models, businesses can create high-quality content that is relevant to user search queries and that will keep users on their website for longer.

Here are some tips for using AI language models to rank higher in search results:

  • Use AI language models to create high-quality content that is relevant to user search queries.

  • Use AI language models to automate tasks, such as keyword research, content writing, and content promotion.

  • Create informative and engaging content that will keep users on a website for longer.

  • Use AI language models in conjunction with other SEO and content marketing strategies.

Will AI content be penalized in Google search results?

It is unlikely that AI content will be penalized in Google search results. Google has stated that it does not penalize content simply because it was created by AI. However, Google does penalize content that is low-quality, spammy, or plagiarized. If AI content is created in a way that violates Google's guidelines, it may be penalized.

Here are some tips for creating AI content that is likely to avoid penalties from Google:

  • Make sure the content is high-quality and informative.

  • Avoid using AI to create spammy or low-quality content.

  • Be transparent about the fact that the content was created by AI.

  • Use AI in conjunction with other SEO and content marketing strategies.

By following these tips, businesses can create AI content that is likely to avoid penalties from Google.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when creating AI content:

  • AI content should be original and creative. It should not be a copy of existing content.

  • AI content should be relevant to the user's search query. It should provide information that is useful and helpful to the user.

  • AI content should be well-written and easy to understand. It should be free of errors and typos.

  • AI content should be engaging and interesting. It should keep the user reading and wanting to learn more.

How to Implement the Apple SKAD Network & What to Email to Your Engineering Director

The Apple SKAdNetwork (SKAD) is a privacy-preserving framework for mobile app attribution that was introduced by Apple in iOS 14.5. SKAD is designed to protect user privacy by providing advertisers with limited information about app installations, while still allowing them to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns.

Under SKAD, when a user clicks on an ad for an app, instead of being redirected to the App Store, the user is redirected to a custom landing page within the app. The app then sends an install validation postback to the ad network to let them know that the user has installed the app. The ad network can then use this information to attribute the installation to the ad campaign.

As an app developer, you can leverage the SKAD network to accurately measure the effectiveness of your ad campaigns without compromising user privacy. To do this, you'll need to implement the SKAdNetwork framework in your app and configure it with your ad network's information. You'll also need to work with your ad network to ensure that they are properly implementing SKAD on their end.

It's worth noting that SKAD has some limitations, such as a 24-hour attribution window and a limited amount of attribution data. As a result, some advertisers may continue to use other attribution methods in addition to SKAD. However, SKAD is an important tool for app developers to ensure they can continue to measure the effectiveness of their ad campaigns while protecting user privacy in the era of increased data privacy regulations.

SKAD Network Challenges for Marketers and Engineers and How to Overcome

Implementing the SKAdNetwork framework can pose several challenges for app marketers, including:

  1. Limited attribution data: SKAD provides limited information about app installs, including the source app and the campaign ID. This makes it difficult to optimize campaigns in real-time, as marketers may not have access to detailed information about which ad creatives or targeting strategies are driving installs.

  2. Delayed reporting: SKAD reporting is delayed, with data typically only being available 24-48 hours after an install occurs. This makes it challenging to react quickly to changes in campaign performance.

  3. Technical complexity: Implementing SKAD requires technical expertise and resources. Marketers may need to work closely with developers to ensure that the SKAdNetwork framework is properly integrated into their app and that data is being accurately tracked and reported.

  4. Limited ad network adoption: Not all ad networks have adopted SKAD, which means that some marketers may need to work with multiple networks to get a complete picture of their app attribution data.

  5. Attribution windows: SKAD uses a 24-hour attribution window, which means that installs that occur after this time period will not be attributed to the original ad campaign. This can make it challenging for marketers to accurately measure the long-term impact of their campaigns.

To overcome these challenges, app marketers can work closely with their developers and ad networks to ensure that SKAD is properly implemented and that they have access to the data they need to optimize their campaigns. They may also need to explore other attribution methods in addition to SKAD to get a more complete picture of their app attribution data.

There are several prominent mobile measurement partners (MMPs) in the market, each with their own unique features and capabilities. Here are some of the most popular MMPs and their differentiators:

AppsFlyer: AppsFlyer is one of the most widely used MMPs, with a large customer base that includes many top app developers and brands. They also offer a wide range of integrations with other marketing tools and platforms, making it easy to connect your SKAdNetwork data with other data sources.

Adjust: Adjust is another popular MMP that offers a wide range of features and capabilities, including fraud prevention, campaign tracking, and real-time analytics. They also offer a robust API and SDK that make it easy to integrate your SKAdNetwork data with other systems.

Branch: Branch is a unique MMP that specializes in deep linking and attribution. They offer a range of features and capabilities, including real-time attribution, deep linking, and personalized onboarding experiences. One of their key differentiators is their deep linking capabilities, which allow you to create custom deep links that drive users directly to specific content within your app. They also offer a wide range of integrations with other marketing tools and platforms.

Kochava: Kochava is another popular MMP that offers a range of features and capabilities, including fraud prevention, campaign tracking, and real-time analytics. One of their key differentiators is their vast integration with major ad networks and publishers, which makes it easy to track and optimize your campaigns across multiple platforms. They also offer a wide range of integrations with other marketing tools and platforms. We also highly recommend Kochava, as we have witnessed how they shine in customer service and collaboration. Since they are bootstrapped and operate their HQ out of a small town in Standpoint, Idaho, they tend to go above and beyond for their customers, and their employee retention is super high. Hence, institutional knowledge is profound and often far more significant than we have witnessed with other partners with higher turnover.

Singular: Singular is a comprehensive MMP that offers a wide range of features and capabilities, including fraud prevention, campaign tracking, and real-time analytics. One of their key differentiators is their focus on data science and machine learning, which allows them to provide advanced insights and predictions based on your SKAdNetwork data. They also offer a wide range of integrations with other marketing tools and platforms.

These are just a few examples of the many MMPs available in the market. When choosing an MMP, it's important to consider your specific needs and requirements, as well as the pricing and features of each platform.

Oh, you thought you were done…What is APP TRACKING TRANSPARENCY:

Implementing the AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) framework is a required step for implementing the SKAdNetwork framework.

The SKAdNetwork framework relies on the ATT framework to obtain user consent for tracking. The ATT framework is a new privacy feature introduced by Apple that requires apps to obtain user permission before tracking their data across other apps and websites. This includes tracking for advertising purposes, which is necessary for the SKAdNetwork framework to work properly.

Without user consent, the SKAdNetwork framework cannot collect the necessary data to attribute app installs and optimize ad campaigns. This means that implementing the SKAdNetwork framework without the ATT framework will result in limited tracking and inaccurate reporting.

Therefore, before implementing the SKAdNetwork framework, app developers must ensure that they have implemented the ATT framework and obtained user consent for tracking. This involves adding the appropriate code to the app to request user permission, as well as providing a clear and concise explanation of why tracking is necessary.

Overall, implementing the ATT framework is a critical step for ensuring that the SKAdNetwork framework works as intended and that app developers can accurately track the performance of their ad campaigns while respecting user privacy.

Here’s an example email you can send to an engineer, engineering director or tech lead to start the conversation:

Subject: Implementing AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) and SKAdNetwork for Accurate Ad Performance Tracking

Dear [Engineering Director’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to discuss the implementation of AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) and the SKAdNetwork framework for accurate tracking of advertising performance.

As you may know, Apple has introduced new privacy features that require apps to obtain user permission before tracking their data across other apps and websites. This includes tracking for advertising purposes, which is necessary for us to accurately track the performance of our ad campaigns.

To comply with Apple's new privacy regulations, we need to implement the ATT framework in our app. This involves adding the appropriate code to the app to request user permission, as well as providing a clear and concise explanation of why tracking is necessary. I have found some helpful resources that provide detailed information on how to implement the ATT framework:

In addition to implementing ATT, we also need to implement the SKAdNetwork framework to accurately track the performance of our ad campaigns. The SKAdNetwork framework relies on the ATT framework to obtain user consent for tracking. This means that without user consent, the SKAdNetwork framework cannot collect the necessary data to attribute app installs and optimize ad campaigns.

I have done some research and found that using a mobile measurement partner (MMP) like Kochava is the best solution for implementing the SKAdNetwork framework. An MMP can help us with tracking via the SKAdNetwork framework as our network reporter, which will allow us to accurately track the performance of our ad campaigns while respecting user privacy.

Here are some resources on how an MMP can help with SKAdNetwork tracking:

Implementing ATT and SKAdNetwork is critical for our business as it allows us to accurately track the performance of our ad campaigns and optimize our advertising spend. I believe that implementing these frameworks will provide significant benefits to our business and enable us to compete more effectively in the marketplace.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Best regards, [Your Name]

How To Improve Offers Via Marketing Without Product Launches or Product Updates

Ever heard the story about marketing teams being frustrated with slow-moving product and engineering teams when management is breathing down their necks to create results? Instead of complaining and sitting in a pit of despair let’s be solution-oriented! How can marketers move the bottom line when they stand alone?

As a business, you may not always have complete control over the product or service that you offer, but you can still have an impact on how it is presented and perceived by potential customers. Here are some ideas that can help you influence the way your product or service is framed and marketed:

B2C Ideas:

  1. Iterate on the development of fresh customer propositions: To fight the growing cost of customer acquisition, you might want to consider a special offer for new consumers. One effective way of doing this is by promoting certain bundle deals or experimenting with various discounts or variable "spin the wheel" offers. This can help entice potential customers and increase your conversion rates.

  2. Offer free stuff: A $10 discount may not inspire as much attention as a $10 free product. If your cost of customer acquisition is much greater than your product cost plus shipping, try giving away or bundling some of your products and compensate for the lost income with a higher LTV or improved CAC. This can help you gain more customers and increase your overall revenue in the long run.

  3. Adhere to the "rule of 100": If the original price of your goods is less than $100, a percentage-based reduction will appear more appealing to shoppers. In contrast, a dollar reduction will appear more appealing if your product's price exceeds $100. Knowing this can help you craft your marketing message more effectively and increase the likelihood of conversions.

B2B Ideas:

  1. Create additional entrance offers: You can boost your appeal by providing buyers with more opportunities to interact with you. Consider offering a video demo, a group demo, a price estimate, an interactive tour, a free trial, or a free evaluation in addition to a standard demo or sales call. This can help you increase engagement with potential clients and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your industry.

  2. Modify the CTAs: Simple changes to the copy can have a significant influence on the click-through rate and conversion rate. "Learn More" lacks the clarity of "Get a Demo." "Get Started" is less specific than "Get Your Evaluation." "Register Now" is less persuasive than "Try Free." "Download Now" is inferior to "Get Your Free Kit." Be sure to use clear and specific language in your CTAs to encourage potential clients to take action.

  3. Present deals in additional locations: Adding a price quote offer halfway down a landing page whose primary offer was a demo raised the conversion rate by over 10% for one organization. Adding a major offer CTA to a sticky menu and "contextual" offers to blog content is another effective strategy. This can help you increase the visibility of your deals and promotions and encourage potential clients to take action.

Ideas that work for both:

  1. Offer acknowledgment and inclusiveness: Everyone enjoys being acknowledged. Could you boost your worth by providing an award, forum, speaking engagement, or event that shines a spotlight on prospective clients or purchasers? Acknowledging your potential clients can help establish trust and rapport, leading to more business in the long run.

  2. Use the "before and after" method: A picture or description of the final state may be impressive, but showing the starting point can be genuinely astonishing. Contrast what your offer gives with what is missing in its absence. This can help you showcase the benefits of your product or service more effectively and increase conversions.

  3. Adjust bundling and packaging: Bundling features or items and packaging them differently to appeal to buyers may be more effective. This could be as sophisticated as new product packaging and software tiers or as simple as offering different package sizes. Knowing your audience and their preferences can help you create more effective bundling and packaging strategies.

How to Do App Store Optimization - An Advanced Guide the 6 ASO Categories

Master The 6 ASO Categories

As the mobile app market continues to grow, it has become increasingly important to optimize your app's visibility in the app store. This is where App Store Optimization (ASO) comes into play. ASO is the process of improving the visibility and discoverability of your app in an app store like Google Play or Apple's App Store. In this blog post, we'll explore what ASO is and how it can help you market your app effectively.

First, let's take a look at the ASO stack developed by Phiture, a mobile growth consultancy firm. The Phiture ASO stack breaks down the ASO process into six categories: Keyword Optimization, Conversion Rate Optimization, Localization, Visuals and Creatives, Ratings and Reviews, and Competitor Analysis.

  1. Keyword Optimization involves identifying and utilizing relevant keywords and phrases that potential users might search for when looking for apps like yours. This involves researching and analyzing popular search terms, incorporating them into your app's metadata (title, subtitle, description, etc.), and tracking their performance.

  2. Conversion Rate Optimization focuses on optimizing your app's listing to maximize downloads and installs. This involves improving the quality of your screenshots, videos, and other visuals, as well as optimizing your app's description and pricing strategy.

  3. Localization involves adapting your app's listing and content to different languages, cultures, and markets. This includes translating your app's metadata, visuals, and creatives, as well as adapting your app's features and functionality to different regions and user preferences.

  4. Visuals and Creatives involve designing and optimizing your app's visual assets to appeal to potential users. This includes creating eye-catching screenshots, videos, icons, and other graphics that showcase your app's features and benefits.

  5. Ratings and Reviews involve monitoring and responding to user feedback, as well as encouraging satisfied users to leave positive reviews and ratings. This can significantly impact your app's overall rating and visibility in the app store.

  6. Competitor Analysis involves analyzing and monitoring the performance of your app's competitors, as well as identifying areas where you can differentiate and improve your app. This includes analyzing their keywords, visuals, pricing, and user feedback.

By optimizing each of these six categories, you can significantly improve your app's visibility and discoverability in the app store. This can lead to increased downloads, installs, and revenue for your app.

Keyword Research:

App Store Optimization (ASO) is crucial for any app developer or marketer looking to boost their app's visibility in the app store. One of the most important aspects of ASO is keyword research, which involves identifying relevant keywords and phrases that potential users might search for when looking for apps like yours. In this blog post, we'll explore how to do keyword research for ASO in detail.

Step 1: Brainstorm Relevant Keywords
The first step in keyword research is to brainstorm a list of relevant keywords and phrases that describe your app's features, benefits, and target audience. This can include product names, categories, and user needs that your app fulfills. For example, if your app is a meditation app, relevant keywords might include "meditation," "mindfulness," "stress relief," "sleep aid," and "anxiety."

Step 2: Research Popular Search Terms
Once you have a list of relevant keywords, the next step is to research and analyze their popularity and competitiveness. There are several tools you can use to do this, including the Google Keyword Planner, Sensor Tower, and App Annie. These tools allow you to see how many users are searching for specific keywords and how competitive they are. You can also use these tools to discover related keywords and phrases that you may have missed.

Step 3: Analyze Competitor Keywords
Another important aspect of keyword research is analyzing your competitors' keywords. This can help you identify areas where you can differentiate and improve your app's listing. You can use the same tools mentioned above to see which keywords your competitors are targeting and how they are performing. This can also help you identify gaps in the market that you can fill with your app.

Step 4: Incorporate Keywords into Your App's Metadata
Once you have identified relevant and popular keywords, the next step is to incorporate them into your app's metadata, including the title, subtitle, and description. It's important to use keywords naturally and strategically, as stuffing them into your metadata can harm your app's visibility and performance. A good rule of thumb is to include your most important keywords in the first 25-30 characters of your title and in the first sentence of your description.

Step 5: Track Your Keyword Performance
Finally, it's important to track and analyze your app's keyword performance over time. This can help you identify which keywords are driving the most downloads and installs, as well as which ones need to be optimized or replaced. You can use the same tools mentioned above to track your keyword rankings and adjust your ASO strategy accordingly.

Conversion Rate Optimization CRO

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is another important aspect of App Store Optimization (ASO) that involves optimizing your app's listing to maximize downloads and installs. In this blog post, we'll explore how to do CRO for ASO in detail.

Step 1: Analyze Your App's Current Listing
The first step in CRO is to analyze your app's current listing and identify areas for improvement. This can include analyzing your screenshots, videos, and other visual assets, as well as your app's description, pricing strategy, and user ratings and reviews. This will help you identify areas where your app is underperforming and where you can make changes to improve your conversion rate.

Step 2: Optimize Your App's Visual Assets
One of the most important aspects of CRO is optimizing your app's visual assets, including screenshots, videos, icons, and other graphics. Your visual assets should showcase your app's features and benefits in a clear and compelling way, while also standing out from your competitors. A good rule of thumb is to use high-quality visuals that accurately reflect your app's functionality and highlight your unique selling points.

Step 3: Optimize Your App's Description
Your app's description is another important aspect of CRO that can significantly impact your conversion rate. Your description should be concise, clear, and informative, while also highlighting your app's unique features and benefits. A good practice is to use bullet points to break up your description and make it easier to read. You should also use keywords strategically, as discussed in the previous blog post.

Step 4: Optimize Your App's Pricing Strategy
Pricing is another important factor that can impact your conversion rate. You should analyze your competitors' pricing strategies and adjust your own accordingly. This can include offering free trials, limited-time discounts, and other promotions to entice users to download and install your app.

Step 5: Monitor and Respond to User Feedback
Finally, it's important to monitor and respond to user feedback, including ratings and reviews. Positive feedback can significantly impact your conversion rate, while negative feedback can harm it. You should respond promptly and professionally to negative feedback, while also encouraging satisfied users to leave positive reviews and ratings.


Localization is the process of adapting your app's listing to different languages and cultures, with the goal of reaching a wider audience and improving your app's downloads and installs in different markets. In this blog post, we'll explore how to do localization for App Store Optimization (ASO) in detail.

Step 1: Identify Target Markets The first step in localization is to identify your target markets, which can include different countries, regions, and languages. You should research the demographics and preferences of each market, as well as any cultural or linguistic nuances that may affect your app's performance. This will help you tailor your app's listing to the needs and preferences of each market.

Step 2: Translate Your App's Listing Once you have identified your target markets, the next step is to translate your app's listing into the appropriate languages. This includes your app's title, subtitle, description, screenshots, and other visual assets. You should work with professional translators who are native speakers of the target language and have experience translating app listings. It's important to ensure that your translations are accurate, clear, and culturally appropriate.

Step 3: Optimize Your App's Listing for Each Market In addition to translating your app's listing, you should also optimize it for each market. This can include using keywords and phrases that are popular in each market, highlighting features and benefits that are relevant to local users, and using visual assets that resonate with local cultures. You should also adjust your pricing strategy and promotions to reflect local market conditions.

Step 4: Monitor and Adjust Your Localization Strategy Once you have localized your app's listing, it's important to monitor and adjust your localization strategy based on performance data. This can include tracking your app's downloads and installs in each market, analyzing user feedback and reviews, and adjusting your app's listing based on this feedback. You may also need to make adjustments to your translation and optimization strategies based on local market conditions and user preferences.

Step 5: Continue to Improve Your Localization Strategy Localization is an ongoing process, and it's important to continue to improve your localization strategy over time. This can include updating your app's listing as new features and benefits become available, expanding into new markets, and adjusting your localization strategy based on changes in user preferences and market conditions.

In conclusion, Localization is a critical part of App Store Optimization that can significantly impact your app's downloads and installs in different markets. By following these steps and identifying your target markets, translating your app's listing, optimizing it for each market, monitoring and adjusting your localization strategy, and continuing to improve your localization over time, you can improve your app's performance and reach a wider audience.

Visuals and Creative

Visuals and creatives are a critical aspect of App Store Optimization (ASO), as they play a major role in attracting users and convincing them to download and install your app. In this blog post, we'll explore how to optimize your app's visuals and creatives for ASO in detail

Step 1: Analyze Your Competitors
The first step in optimizing your visuals and creatives is to analyze your competitors and identify what works well in their listings. This can include analyzing their screenshots, videos, icons, and other graphics. You should identify what sets your app apart from your competitors and highlight these unique selling points in your visuals and creatives.

Step 2: Create High-Quality Visuals and Creatives
Once you have analyzed your competitors and identified your unique selling points, the next step is to create high-quality visuals and creatives that accurately reflect your app's features and benefits. This can include screenshots, videos, icons, and other graphics. You should use high-resolution images and videos, as well as clear and legible text, to make your app's features and benefits stand out.

Step 3: Highlight Your Unique Selling Points
Your visuals and creatives should highlight your app's unique selling points and benefits. This can include showcasing your app's functionality, user interface, and key features. You should use your visuals and creatives to tell a story and engage users, rather than simply listing features and benefits.

Step 4: Optimize Your Visuals and Creatives for Each Platform
Different app stores and platforms may have different requirements for visuals and creatives. For example, the App Store may require screenshots in specific sizes, while the Google Play Store may require different video formats. It's important to optimize your visuals and creatives for each platform to ensure they display correctly and are effective in attracting users.

Step 5: Test and Optimize Your Visuals and Creatives
Finally, it's important to test and optimize your visuals and creatives based on performance data. This can include analyzing user feedback and reviews, monitoring downloads and installs, and adjusting your visuals and creatives based on this feedback. You may also need to test different variations of your visuals and creatives to see which ones perform best.

Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and reviews are an essential aspect of App Store Optimization (ASO). They not only provide feedback on your app's performance but also serve as a social proof for new users. In this blog post, we'll explore how to optimize your app's ratings and reviews for ASO in detail.

Step 1: Encourage Ratings and Reviews
The first step in optimizing your app's ratings and reviews is to encourage users to rate and review your app. You can prompt users to rate and review your app within the app itself, as well as in your app store listing. You should also make it easy for users to provide feedback by offering a clear and accessible feedback mechanism.

Step 2: Respond to Feedback
It's important to respond to user feedback, both positive and negative. Responding to feedback shows that you care about your users and are committed to improving your app. It can also help mitigate negative reviews by addressing user concerns and resolving issues.

Step 3: Monitor and Analyze Feedback
You should monitor and analyze user feedback regularly to identify trends and areas for improvement. This can include analyzing the frequency and severity of negative reviews, as well as identifying common user complaints or suggestions. You can use this feedback to make improvements to your app and address user concerns.

Step 4: Incorporate Feedback into App Updates
Incorporating user feedback into your app updates can help improve your app's performance and address user concerns. You should prioritize feedback based on its impact on user experience and make necessary changes in future app updates.

Step 5: Promote Positive Reviews
Promoting positive reviews can help improve your app's ASO. You can feature positive reviews in your app store listing, as well as on your website and social media channels. You can also use user testimonials in your marketing materials to help build credibility and trust with potential users.

Implementing in-app review prompts in your app can be done in a few simple steps. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Check the Requirements
Before you implement the in-app review prompt in your app, you need to make sure that your app meets the requirements for displaying the prompt. Currently, the prompt is only available on devices running iOS 10.3 or later and Android 5.0 or later. Additionally, your app must be published on the App Store or Google Play, respectively.

Step 2: Choose Your Platform
Next, you need to choose the platform for the in-app review prompt. For iOS, you can use the SKStoreReviewController API, while for Android, you can use the In-App Review API.

Step 3: Implement the Code
Once you have chosen your platform, you can implement the code to display the in-app review prompt. Here's an example of how to implement it for iOS:

import StoreKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    func requestReview() {
        if #available(iOS 10.3, *) 
         else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions


And here's an example of how to implement it for Android:


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private lateinit var reviewManager: ReviewManager
    private lateinit var reviewInfo: ReviewInfo

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        reviewManager = ReviewManagerFactory.create(this)
        val request: Task<ReviewInfo> = reviewManager.requestReviewFlow()
        request.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
            if (task.isSuccessful) {
                reviewInfo = task.result

    private fun launchReview() {
        val flow = reviewManager.launchReviewFlow(this, reviewInfo)
        flow.addOnCompleteListener { _ ->
            // The flow has finished. The API does not indicate whether the user
            // reviewed or not, or even whether the review dialog was shown. Thus, no
            // matter the result, we will treat it as successful.

Step 4: Customize the Prompt
Once you have implemented the code, you can customize the prompt to match your app's branding and user experience. This can include customizing the text, colors, and graphics used in the prompt.

Step 5: Test and Optimize
Finally, it's important to test the in-app review prompt and optimize it based on user feedback and data. You may need to adjust the timing, frequency, and content of the prompt to ensure it is effective in generating reviews and ratings.

Competitor Research

Why is Competitor Research is Important for ASO?

Competitor research allows you to gain a better understanding of the market landscape and identify areas where you can differentiate your app from the competition. By analyzing your competitors' app store listings, you can gain insights into their keyword strategies, user reviews, and ratings, as well as their visual and creative assets. This information can help you make informed decisions about your own app's ASO strategy, including your keyword targeting, app name, and visuals.

Additionally, competitor research can help you identify gaps in the market that your app can fill. By analyzing your competitors' apps, you can identify areas where they may be weak or where there is an unmet need among users. This can help you develop a unique selling proposition for your app that sets it apart from the competition.

Tips for Conducting Effective Competitor Research

  1. Identify Your Competitors The first step in conducting effective competitor research is to identify your competitors. This can be done by searching for apps that are similar to yours in the app store and reviewing their app store listings. Look for apps that target similar keywords, have similar functionality, or target a similar audience.

  2. Analyze Their Keyword Strategies Once you have identified your competitors, you can analyze their keyword strategies to identify opportunities for your own app. Look for the keywords they are targeting in their app name, title, and description, as well as the keywords they are using in their metadata. You can use keyword research tools such as Sensor Tower, App Annie, or Phiture's ASO tool to help you identify the keywords they are targeting.

  3. Review Their User Reviews and Ratings Another important component of competitor research is analyzing their user reviews and ratings. Look for common themes among the reviews, such as areas where users are dissatisfied with the app's functionality or features. This information can help you identify areas where you can differentiate your app and improve the user experience.

  4. Analyze Their Visuals and Creatives Finally, you should analyze your competitors' visuals and creatives to identify opportunities for your own app. Look at the screenshots and videos they are using to promote their app and consider how you can differentiate your own app's visuals to stand out from the competition.

While app marketing can be complex and challenging, the good news is that all the information and resources needed to optimize your app's ASO strategy are out there. With a learning mentality and the willingness to execute diligently, app developers and marketers can effectively promote their apps and achieve success in the app stores. So don't be discouraged, take on the challenge with enthusiasm, and leverage the available knowledge to optimize your app's ASO strategy and drive success.

6 Tips for Embracing A Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Instagram might make you believe that the digital nomad lifestyle is nothing but glamorous travels to exotic destinations. You can certainly enjoy some new sights by working remotely, but if you want to become a digital nomad, it’s important to have realistic expectations. Contrary to the picture that’s painted on social media, there’s just as much work as there is play — but it can still be a great opportunity for anybody who wants to make the most of their skills while traveling abroad.

1. Focus on Your Skills

According to research, about 18% of people around the world work remotely full-time. If you don’t already have a remote job, you can start your search by considering what skills you’re most confident in. Copywriting, graphic design and programming are just a few of the jobs that are best suited to remote work and a digital nomad lifestyle. If you don’t have a specific skill set to hone in on, look for entry-level online work such as virtual customer service jobs.

2. Develop Multiple Income Streams

As an aspiring digital nomad, it’s also a good idea to develop multiple streams of income. Supporting yourself while you’re traveling can be difficult because expenses are often unpredictable. If you have multiple gigs and clients to rely on, though, you never have to worry about work drying up.

3. Learn to Live Frugally

Regardless of how much income you’re able to earn, frugality is an important part of the digital nomad lifestyle. Luckily, living expenses are often lower in other countries than they are in the U.S., so it may be more affordable to live abroad than it would be at home! Despite this, you need to create a strict budget and leave lots of room for potential mishaps. You never know what can happen when you’re traveling.

4. Establish Your Business

Becoming a freelancer and living as a digital nomad can open the door to freedom as you’ve never experienced before. In addition to the ability to move around at will, you can adjust your schedule to suit your lifestyle. Before you embark on this adventure, though, you should be sure to legally register your business. A limited liability company offers tax advantages and asset protection, and you can use a formation service to file an LLC.

5. Find Tech-Friendly Spots

It may be enticing to venture off to a remote island or take a tour in the desert, but there are some limitations to the digital nomad life. You need to ensure that you have consistent internet access and tech-friendly accommodations. When you’re looking for hostels or temporary lodging, filter listings by amenities such as internet access.

6. Communicate With Clients

Perhaps the most important tip to remember is to stay in touch with your clients no matter where you are. Balancing work and travel can be a challenge, but if you don’t prioritize clients, you may see your income start to slip away. It’s a good idea to check your email regularly and respond to all client inquiries within 24 hours.

Explore the World While Working Remotely

The digital nomad lifestyle is often presented as nonstop luxury, but social media doesn’t tell the whole story. Working as a freelancer while you’re traveling abroad is still hard work. If you register your business and stick to a budget, though, you can enjoy some incredible adventures.